I think you want to use a momentary switch, but tell proffieOS that it is latching.
That way, it will be on for as long as you hold the switch, and off when you release it.
Is the LED getting power?
Is the LED getting data?
I think you want to use a momentary switch, but tell proffieOS that it is latching.
That way, it will be on for as long as you hold the switch, and off when you release it.
Is the LED getting power?
Is the LED getting data?
I was looking around online in regards to the Neopixel rings and found a sample config file to test the LEDs
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>
#define PIN 14
#define NUMPIXELS 16
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
#define DELAYVAL 500
void setup() {
#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000)
void loop() {
for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(0, 150, 0));
This worked as expected so the wiring and pin connectivity is sound.
I did also put together a basic config file (generated by AI) to test (not using Proffie) and that worked as well.
But after tinkering with the micom side of things thought Proffie would be better.
Especially with the idea of using a profileboard in future.
I thought you said it was hooked up to pin 15?
Oh yes it is now. I had one ring in 14 and another in 15 to make sure it wasnāt an issue with the led wiring.
Both are now in 15.
ENABLE_MOTION is on by default in latest ProffieOS, if you want to turn it off you need to use #define DISABLE_MOTION
Ok slowly clearing things up.
In the serial monitor I see
No sdcard found
SD select not pulled high
If I install the config file I have for the hand held sound unit the SD card is recognised so I know the SD card and connections are fine.
Guessing its something in the micromod_teensy_config file for the hardware side of things.
Think maybe Iāll abandon this and perhaps go down the Arduino route.
Unfortunately I just canāt get my head around the scripting. haha
I would have liked to use a proffieboard eventually but this is way beyond me.
Thanks for all your help.
A proffieboard would be much much much easier, because the existing config files would ājust workā. All of this complication is because youāre using a semi-supported configuration, and there is no pre-made configuration for that specific setup.
Ah ok.
I just went with the Teensy as I had some to hand and were familiar with them from your help before.
Iāll look into getting a profile board for testing.
But I guess the configuration still maybe tough as Iām obviously looking for it to act very different to a light sabre.
Well, it depends.
The basic functionality which you have struggled with so far should be very easy.
Then it depends on where you want to go from there and what functionality you want to add.
So ultimately when the button is pressed and held the led rings will illuminate and orange/red then flicker to resemble a flame effect.
At the same time a specific audio file is played.
Then when the button is released the LEDs fade out of a second or so and a different audio file is played.
Future scope would be adding Bluetooth functionality to trigger it but that is just a ānice to haveā.
All of that can be done without a new prop file.
Ok, Iām sold.
Iāll get one ordered.