It’s likely due to poor battery output. Either the battery itself, or the wire gauge, is starving the board and pixels of enough current to achieve the colours or animations it wants.
no i dont think so…i use fully charged batteries and sufficient wire gauge. Thanks for your input though.
the sound is cutting out not the pixels…im not having blade lag…i also have a sufficient sd card woth optimal structuring in the font folders.All the LGT batteries i get i toss and use better batteries lol.
Fair enough. Could be the SD card contacts vibrating just enough to break connection? I’ve had this issue with my SSMp. Seems certain swings with the Kyberphonic Vader font cause it.
I also originally thought that but…one of the speakers is a 24mm (which suprised me) what s funny is on the Darkwofl LGT Core it ALWAYS happens on the Ahsoka Font…ive switched some sabers back to 5.9 to replicate the problem and have never been able to do so but thats why i feel its very complex…i dont know how to check a font to make sure is suitable for proffie…ive had the issue occur at low volume…im just not sure anymore.
yea this sounds like that issue for me…swinging too hard i thought…nope did some light swings as well…its a very odd issue i think people overlook and dont bring it up…
This SSMp runs a 24mm speaker but it’s really loud. Makes me wonder if the problematic frequencies are mid/high rather than low end rumble.
i dont know but im going to start marking sound fonts in which it occurs and testing them and not use them
It could be that the SD card has blocks that are slow to read.
Have you tried a different SD card?
(This issue really should be it’s own thread though, if you need more help, I suggest starting a new thread.)
File hierarchy made to be FAT32 friendly, naming conventions.
ahhh okay im trackin the correct way i just thought maybe he meant something else…thanks.
This is… checks date …very late, but Audacity is a great free program that allows you to easily do this, as well as a host of other audio manipulating things. It’s also quite popular and I’m pretty sure that’s what NoSloppy uses in particular.
This sounds like an issue that I’ve faced before (usually with free fonts). I don’t know the exact cause, but it’s something with the particular .wav file that is trying to play at the time. I first faced it with an out.wav. The font had multiple out.wav files, but one of them would always make the sound cut out on my saber until I retracted then reignited the blade. I just deleted the out.wav file that was causing the issue. It sounds like you’re probably having an issue with a particular accent swing file
I don’t suppose you have that particular out.wav file somewhere so we can take a look at it?
and then there were enough characters to >= 10.
I’ll have to check. It’s been a while ago, but I have copies of copies, so I think it’s somewhere. I did check things like Mono, 144 Hz (or whatever it’s supposed to be, I’m going off of the top of my head). I’m also pretty sure that I had stripped the metadata. I can’t remember for sure when I started doing that
I think I found it. I also realized that I was conflating two different issues. The out.wav file I found doesn’t play, but then the other sounds play after a slight delay. Also, if I retract shortly after the out.wav plays, the retraction blade effect animation doesn’t play.
As for the issue I described earlier: the wav file doesn’t play and then the sound cuts out until I retract then reignite the saber. This is happening with one of the swng.wav files of another font. I tried renaming the swng files to the new quote.wav format so that I could trigger them more consistently, and none of them cut out; so I’m not really sure that it’s a specific file that’s to blame here. But, this is only happening on one of my fonts. If you wanted me to share any of these files, how would I go about that?
If they are freely available files. you can just attach them to posts here, and we’ll take a look to make sure they aren’t weird in some way. If they are not freely available files, you can email them to me, attach them to a PM, or share through google drive.
Sometimes it’s not the file though, but the spot in which they are stored on the SD card. When that happens it’s usually time to replace the SD card.