The code on github is always under development, and is not “stable”.
Note that most of the time, it still works fairly well.
Eventually, we’ll release what is there as ProffieOS 8.x.
Note that once a version of ProffieOS has been released, no new features are added to it, only bugfixes. So if I release ProffieOS 7.15, it will not have any of the new code from github, only bugfixes.
It’s been taking me a long time to work on ProffieOS 8 though. Both the display code and the modes took a long time, and to complicate things we’ve encountered lots of compiler bugs on the way.
Another thing that slows things down is that I need people to help test stuff before it can be released to everybody. (That is ultimately the thing that separates “stable” code from “unstable” code: testing.)
Right now we’re testing arduino-proffieboard plugin 4.6, and I don’t think I can release ProffieOS 8 until that is done.