Edison flexible led filament

It’s transparent.
Try adding “Black” before the first layer and see if it works better.

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Oops. Yes, First layer needs to be a nontransparent color. As profezzorn pointed out, an easy fix is make Black the base color,
so StylePtr<Layers<Black, ...........

I used style editor and it doesn’t pick up this nuance.

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thank you @profezzorn for the fix, it did indeed compile and works on the filaments well.

thank you @NoSloppy for the style, i didn’t even think of using layers.

@profezzorn i tested a single strip to get a better idea of what they pull current wise.
first was at 3.3v (max) and got 350mA
at 2.55v it pulls 50-55mA

at 3.3v they got quite warm so not sure if they will last long at this voltage.
at 2.55v they ran without getting that warm at all and the brightness was still good.

Those currents are easy to handle for a proffie, so as I said earlier, just add a resistor and you’ll be fine. Based on your values, I get resistor values from 1.14 to 21 \Omega Maybe something like a 10 \Omega resistor would be work? It would draw around 100mA or so I’m guessing.

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@profezzorn i did the calcs and you are correct. i used a 10ohm resistor and the voltage was spot on 2.55v and 0.56mA so very happy with this.
what is the max current draw that can be used from the 3.3v pad?
don’t want to ruin the board so being a bit careful with this.

Technically you can draw ~250mA from the 3.3v pad, but if you then feed that through a FET which turns it on and off 800 times per second, you will introduce a lot of noise in the 3.3v circuit which may cause problems for the board. (But shouldn’t break anything.) Generally, I don’t recommend driving LEDs from the 3.3v pad.

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Ok I will stick with using the feed from the battery.

Resurrecting this thread as I’m likely playing with these soon.

My question is about using the SimpleBladePtr< blade with a 10Ω resistor, did that make your resistor value 10? As in SimpleBladePtr<CreeXPE2BlueTemplate<10>, NoLED, NoLED, NoLED, bladePowerPin5, -1, -1, -1>()

What if I used Red ones?

Hey @NoSloppy, you would be correct

> BladeConfig blades[] = {
>  { 0, WS281XBladePtr<24, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(),
>     WS281XBladePtr<5, blade4Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin4> >(),
>     WS281XBladePtr<2, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin6> >(),
>     SimpleBladePtr<CreeXPE2BlueTemplate<10>, NoLED, NoLED, NoLED, bladePowerPin5, -1, -1, -1>(),
>     CONFIGARRAY(presets) },

This is my blade config for that profile i was running while testing.

I used both red and blue LED filaments but because they are a simple on off affair with one end being positive and the other negative then i found swapping the colour in the blade config to have no effect on the outcome.

I could of course be wrong about that but from it functioning as far as my eye could see i saw no difference in operation.

the 10 ohm resistor drops the voltage under what most of them will handle (2.5v ish) rather than the full 3v but i found that the illuminance gained was not much but they did run a lot cooler that at the full 3v.

hope this helps.

It totally does, thanks for confirmation.

ok, I’m going to bite as I’m curious… how does it effect it?
is it more for ProffOS for internal resistance or something code wise?

if you look in ProffieOS/blades/les.h you’ll see the components of these templates and how the resistor value is incorporated. For example:

template<int milliohms = 550>
struct CreeXPE2WhiteTemplate {
  // These four values come from the datasheet.

  // Maximum (average) amperes for the LED.
  // If you have multiple LEDs hooked up in parallel, multiply
  // the amps from the datasheet by the number of LEDs.
  static constexpr float MaxAmps = 1.0;
  // LED voltage at MaxAmps.
  static constexpr float MaxVolts = 3.15;

  // P2Amps should be less than MaxAmps.
  // If you have multiple LEDs hooked up in parallel, multiply
  // the amps from the datasheet by the number of LEDs.
  static constexpr float P2Amps = 0.7;
  // LED voltage at P2Amps.
  static constexpr float P2Volts = 3.05;

  // Value of the actual resistor you hooked up to the LED.
  static constexpr float R = milliohms / 1000.0;

  // LED color
  static const int Red = 255;
  static const int Green = 255;
  static const int Blue = 255;

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