My Config Helper will assist with this. As noted using functions on their own don’t save memory. It’s a piece in the puzzle. The combination of library styles with options, using functions and style arguments are how you can accomplish and my config tool handles easily. Just watch the videos at the top and read through the selections and instructions.
More info in this thread.
For all of the Proffieboard users who want to add more presets, build more unique styles and really maximize the potential of your Proffieboard be sure to check this video out.
v3.0 of my Config Helper Tool is now live. ProffieOS7 introduced so many new features and concepts I built this config helper tool to allow users to get the most out of their Proffieboard sabers.
This tool will help old and new users to easily built out and update your config and implement all of the new features (in conjunction with my upcoming OS7 Library). The config helper is designed to work with the upcoming Library to help you maximize the potential of OS7.
This video is specifically discussing the new optimization capabilities available in OS7 by combining the style options, using functions and new style arguments capabilities to let you do more and fit more onto your Proffieboard than ever before.
For example, in the past many users have run out of memory adding a few Greyscale styles to their configs. I have remade and optimized the Greyscales styles (which were originally derived from OS5 library styles) for the OS7 library and made them fully editable. In testing, I tried to upload 18 Greyscale styles to my board and it exceeded FLASH memory by over 39000 bytes (115% of available FLASH memory for just those 18 styles). Then using the OS7 Library versions to build “option styles” with using functions and style arguments I was able to upload all 18 Greyscale styles along with another dozen presets and only use 84% of FLASH memory, leaving 16% available for even more optimized styles and able to generate 100s of unique presets easily.
In combination with newly optimized styles coming in my OS7 Library, the config helper will allow you to easily take option styles and using functions to generate nearly 100s of unique presets on your saber and fit even more styles and presets than you have before.
In addition, this tool is designed to support the new OS7 style arguments and CONFIG_STYLES which will allow you to build more and more presets, with more and more customization. As you build your presets into the tool you will be able to quickly edit the arguments (the tool will read the style and show you what Edit Mode arguments are available). This allows you to add your color editing, options and other customizations directly into the config which enables more presets and easier updating to future OS versions while maintaining your selections. Combining the sty…