Guess you missed this part then:
If you’re planning to use a ST7789-based display, then you need to connect CS/TCS to some pin as well. Any pin will work, but I’ve been using Data4.
What version of arduino-proffieboard? (Displays may work better with 4.1 than 3.6)
I do have 3.6, should I try our 4.1?
Try the CS wire thing first.
profezzorn:PS: I highly recommend turning up the optimization levels when using color displays, especially when using one with a fair number of pixels, like this one.
How do I do that? Also, do you mean the number of pixels in the display?
Yes, I mean the number of pixels on the display.
To increase optimization go to Arduino->Tools->Optimization and change it to “fastest” (or “faster” if “fastests” doesn’t work.)